Pastured Chicken add-ons
In addition to vegetable shares, we offer whole pastured chickens that can be added on to a CSA share, or purchased separately. Our chickens are raised with care in mobile tractors that are moved on pasture twice daily - which means that they get plenty of fresh grass to forage on every day, in addition to their provision of locally milled grain. We also kill, clean, and pack our chickens right here on the farm, so you know exactly where your meat has been.
A whole chicken share is $16 per week, which can be added to your vegetable share or purchased as a stand-alone share. Chicken share customers get their choice of a freshly frozen bird each week, with or without giblets included.
Like veggie shares, you may receive a chicken either weekly or every-other week for either our whole growing season or a portion of the growing season. For those who would only like chicken occasionally, chickens are also available for individual purchase in the farm stand from June until sold out, usually around December.